Test Solutions for Renewable Energy
Enabling reliable, cost-effective, and dispatchable power technology
Evaluating the performance and reliability of converters and inverters is necessary to ensure their reliable and efficient operation.
Acculogic functional test systems for renewable energy applications can perform various tests on converters and inverters, including performance, reliability, and safety tests. Tests typically involve using load, solar cell, and battery simulators to apply high current and voltage levels to the units under test.
Test Systems and Benefits

Delivering power conversion and battery energy storage equipment requires device manufactures to:
- 1. Produce competitively priced products by minimizing production costs
- 2. Build safe, reliable, and durable devices that operate consistently over long periods without requiring frequent maintenance or repairs.
- 3. Comply with regulations and standards related to safety, performance, and environmental impact.
Improve Safety and Compliance
If you have questions about our solutions for the renewable energy industry, contact us.
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